Census Bureau Completes Release of All 364 Manufacturing Reports from Economic Census Industry Series


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Census Bureau Completes Release of All 364 Manufacturing Reports from Economic Census Industry Series

In recognition of Manufacturing Day on October 3, the Census Bureau presents descriptions of its wide array of data products on the manufacturing sector of the economy. Additionally, statistics on all 364 industries in the manufacturing sector are now available from the 2012 Economic Census.

  • 2012 Economic Census Industry Series: A complete series of national-level data files on specific manufacturing industries, including, for instance, the number of establishments, payroll, number of employees, value of product shipments and services provided by businesses. News releases are available highlighting breweriesautomobile manufacturing, household appliance manufacturing and semiconductor manufacturing. The economic census is conducted every five years.
  • 2012 County Business Patterns: Provides the only detailed annual information on the number of establishments, employees and payroll for nearly 1,200 industries at the national, state and county levels. This data set includes statistics for all manufacturing industries. Latest data were released in May.
  • Annual Survey of Manufactures: Includes three data sets: statistics for industry groups and industries, value of product shipments and geographic area statistics. Collected annually, except in years ending in 2 and 7, at which time these statistics are included in the manufacturing sector of the economic census.
  • Survey of Plant Capacity Utilization: Provides quarterly statistics on the rates of capacity utilization for the U.S. manufacturing and publishing sectors. Data for the second quarter 2014 now available.
  • Manufacturers’ Shipments, Inventories, and Orders (M3): One of the Census Bureau’s 13 principal economic indicators, this survey provides broad-based, monthly statistical data on economic conditions in the domestic manufacturing sector. The survey measures current industrial activity that may provide an indication of future business trends. The July 2014 advance report was released in August. The August 2014 advance report is scheduled for release tomorrow.
  • U.S. International Trade in Goods: U.S. international trade statistics provide U.S. imports and exports for all manufactured goods by country or origin or destination by U.S. state.  The statistics are available on a monthly basis and provide a wealth of international manufacturing data.
  • Additional Economic Indicators: Among some of the Census Bureau’s additional economic indicators areManufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales provides monthly statistics on U.S. total business end-of-month inventories and sales; and Quarterly Financial Report – Manufacturing, Mining, Wholesale Trade, and Selected Service Industries provides data on after-tax profits and sales for manufacturing corporations and nondurable and durable goods manufacturers.

A handy reference tool is the Economic Census: Industry Snapshots, which permit a quick glance at all the key statistics for every manufacturing industry, including number of establishments, value of shipments, employment, payroll and geographic distribution of establishments by state.

For more information on Manufacturing Day, see <http://www.mfgday.com/>

Also released today is a county-level thematic map showing the percentage of the civilian employed population employed in manufacturing jobs.

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Last updated: 2015-10-01 12:09

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