Secretary Pritzker Calls for Data-Driven Solutions for Ending Pay Discrimination


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Hack the Pay Gap Demo Day 2016
Secretary Pritzker at the White House Hack the Pay Gap Demo Day 2016.

More than 50 years ago, President John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act into law. Yet just yesterday, Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker addressed developers, data scientists, and designers who are using Department of Commerce data to build new tools and products aimed at ending the pay disparities that still disadvantage women in today’s economy.

Speaking at the White House Hack the Pay Gap Demo Day, Secretary Pritzker stressed that the issue of equal pay for equal work is not just a women’s issue, but an injustice that impacts families and threatens our nation’s economic prosperity. While the pay gap remains a stubborn and persistent problem, Secretary Pritzker pointed to open data as a powerful new tool for workers, businesses, and the public to advance equality in the workplace.

Last April the Commerce Department, Presidential Innovation Fellows, and the White House Council on Women and Girls invited data scientists and developers from across America to “Hack the Pay Gap” using MIDAAS (Making Income Data Available as a Service) – a new application programming interface (API) designed to improve public access to the U.S. Census Bureau’s income, population, and geographic data.

After her remarks, Secretary Pritzker joined Megan Smith, Chief Technology Officer for the United States to listen to presentations from seven teams about their innovative digital solutions aimed at closing the pay gap.

From personalized pay gap calculators to virtual salary negotiation trainings, Secretary Pritzker noted that she would have found these digital tools incredibly useful throughout her 27 years in business – not only as a leader of organizations but also as a woman negotiating her own compensation.

For example, the “What’s my Pay Gap” project asks you to answers questions about yourself and allows you to discover how your personal wage gap grows and shrinks depending on your demographic characteristics. Another project named “Aware,” provides a survey and data analytics platform for companies to use in order to make data-driven decisions about combating the pay gap in their own organizations. In addition, the Secretary listened to a presentation on the PowerShift application that provides users salary breakdown and range data on what men in a similar situation are making in addition to legal information about fair pay.

To close the event Secretary Pritzker encouraged everyone in attendance to continue finding new ways to leverage open data and digital technology to bring greater transparency and visibility to the issue of gender pay disparity.

To learn more about the Hack the Pay Gap challenge visit

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Last updated: 2016-07-20 15:51

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