21st Century U.S. Port Competitiveness Initiative: U.S. Supply Chain Excellence, Phase One


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Photo of a U.S. Port
Photo of a U.S. Port

The Department of Commerce is partnering with the University of Southern California (USC) Marshall Center for Global Supply Chain Management to host a Port Community Information Technology Systems Exhibition and Technology Challenge, November 18-20, in Los Angeles. 

The event - phase one of a larger partnership effort to improve 21st Century U.S. supply chain excellence - will bring together supply chain stakeholders, members of port communities, system providers and leading researchers in this field, as well as talented teams of technology innovators competing for a $15,000 prize for the most cost effective, user friendly new port-supply chain information-sharing technologies (IT).

With the advent of megavessels arriving in the U.S., U.S. ports will need to be able to implement port community IT systems that permit real time sharing of critical cargo information among all participants in the supply chain in order to stay efficient and avoid port and cargo disruptions.

These IT platforms have been deployed successfully at some non-U.S. ports, providing them with a competitive advantage by reducing cargo processing times.  Helping interested U.S. ports and stakeholders to develop such systems for use in U.S. ports will improve port operating efficiency, enable faster U.S. cargo flow, reduce port and supply chain congestion and improve the competitiveness of America’s supply chains.

As part of the Department’s 21st Century Port Competitiveness Initiative, Secretary Pritzker has asked the Department’s Advisory Committee on Supply Chain Competitiveness to send her a recommendation for the critical cargo status element data that should be shared among ports and supply chains to improve cargo movement and efficiency.  The technology solutions to be developed will utilize these industry recommendations, which the Committee is expected to finalize at its October 20-21meeting.  These will be made available to all event participants and technology competitors.

This event will foster a weekend of robust interaction among all participants around topics related to port community IT systems, including supply chain IT, data and analytics, and the Internet of Things (IoT).  This is Phase One in a long term program of collaboration between the Department and the Marshall Center designed to foster the digitalization of America’s supply chains.   At the event, the Department and the USC Marshall Center for Global Supply Chain will serve as conveners, bringing together a wide spectrum of stakeholders, system suppliers, researchers and innovators to catalyze the adoption of port community IT systems.  The event will not endorse or mandate any system; participants will be exposed to a broad spectrum of solutions which can be tailored to specific port circumstances and requirements.

Who should attend:  Port managers and their IT partners, IT system providers, innovators, supply chain stakeholders, supply chain professionals and researchers. 

Additional information on the program and registration can be found at the links below:

For additional information:  Please contact Eric Chow at [email protected] or 213-821-4079.

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Last updated: 2016-10-07 13:22

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