Statement from U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker on the 2015 National Security Strategy


Friday, February 6, 2015

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker today issued the following statement on the release of President Obama’s 2015 National Security Strategy. The new National Security Strategy provides a vision for advancing the nation’s interests and describes how America will lead the world toward greater peace and a new prosperity.

“The President's National Security Strategy sends a very strong message that our country's continued economic strength is the foundation of our national security. While we have more work to do, our total job growth in 2014 was the strongest since 1999, and our unemployment rate fell at the fastest pace in three decades. The United States remains the most competitive place to do business in the world, benefiting from an affordable and abundant supply of energy; a skilled and productive workforce; solid investment in education, R&D and innovation; a robust consumer base; strong intellectual property protection; and an unwavering commitment to transparency and the rule of law.

But the intersection between our economic security and our national security does not end at home. We continue working to shape the rules of the global economy in a way that reflects our values and gives American businesses and workers every opportunity to compete on a level playing field around the world. The trade agreements currently under negotiation are critical to our ability to establish the rules of the road for the 21st century, and their completion, implementation, and enforcement is paramount to our global leadership and our national security. 

We also continue to face escalating cybersecurity threats, which is why we must maintain our efforts to work with industry and other stakeholders to promote the cybersecurity best practices laid out in the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework. And we continue to confront changes to our environment, which is why the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is leading efforts to help communities plan for and mitigate the impacts of climate change at home. Both of these efforts are priorities for the Department of Commerce.

In each of these areas, the President's National Security Strategy builds on the progress we have made over the last six years by taking concrete steps to ensure sustainable, stable, and secure growth for our people and our economy.”

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Last updated: 2015-02-10 08:27

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