Department of Commerce Developer Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

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Find and access featured data or web services from the Department's agencies and mission areas. This page will be updated as agencies make available new developer tools and data resources, so be sure to check back often. Questions and feedback about this page can be directed to [email protected].

Department of Commerce Content API - This JSON content API for the website provides easy access to Commerce news and blog posts.

Bureau of Economic Analysis

Bureau of Economic Analysis API - The API provides all regional data and national economic data released by BEA.

Census Bureau

Census Bureau API - The API provides a range of popular data sets through a combined endpoint. The following data sets are currently available through the API: 2010 Census Summary File 1 (SF1), American Community Survey 5 Year Data, 2000 Census Summary File 1 (SF1) and Summary File 3 (SF3), 1990 Census Summary File 1 (SF1) and Summary File 3 (SF3).

Automated Export System - This API enables Internet application developers and providers to allow their users to pass data from their own third party applications into AESDirect. This makes it easier for end-users to enter data into AESDirect and eliminate double entry of data into both the third party application and AESDirect.

International Trade Administration

Through its Trade Developer Portal, the International Trade Administration (ITA) provides APIs to data intended for public use and dissemination. Trade experts from ITA and from Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee (TPCC) agencies produce the wide spectrum of data provided by these APIs.  ITA publishes them to help developers access authoritative information on exporting that they can then make available to businesses, which is a core tenet of the ITA. The output for all ITA APIs is JSON.

Available datasets include:

  • Business Service Providers - The Business Service Providers (BSP) API is a directory of U.S. and foreign-based businesses providing services that many small and medium sized exporters require to succeed in foreign markets. Businesses can sign up to be a Service Provider on

  • Consolidated Screening List - The Consolidated Screening List API consolidates eleven export screening lists of the Departments of Commerce, State and the Treasury into a single data feed as an aid to industry in conducting electronic screens of potential parties to regulated transactions.

  • FAQs on Exporting – The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) API includes more than 300 commonly asked questions about exporting. The answers provided are from government experts that specialize in unique aspects of trade.
  • ITA’s Market Research Library - The Market Research Library API provides metadata for country and industry reports that are produced by ITA’s trade experts and are available in ITA’s online market research library. ITA commercial officers that are stationed around the world, publish these authoritative reports in conjunction with Foreign Service officers from the State Department.
  • ITA Offices & Center Locations - The ITA Offices & Centers API provides contact and address information for all of ITA’s domestic and international export assistance centers. There are almost 200 ITA centers worldwide whose locations are managed by ITA’s internal office management system.
  • Tariff Rates – The Tariff Rates API provides data about each country with whom the United States has a Free Trade Agreement (FTA). When the U.S. enters into an FTA with a foreign government, it negotiates lower tariff rates with that government for a wide variety of products. A tariff is a tax that a company must pay a foreign country when shipping a product to that country. Typically the FTA tariffs rates decline over several years. Products are indicated by their HS-6 code.
  • Trade Events - The Trade Events API provides data on events for U.S. businesses interested in selling their products and services overseas. These events include industry conferences, webinars, lectures, and trade missions organized by ITA and other trade agencies including: the U.S. Trade and Development Agency; the State Department; tThe Small Business Administration.
  • Trade Leads - The Trade Leads API provides contract opportunities for U.S. businesses selling their products and services overseas. These leads come from a variety of sources and we continue to expand the number of leads available. ITA currently provides trade leads, procurement opportunities, and contract notifications from: the State Department’s Business Information Database System (BIDS); FedBizOps; the United Kingdom; Canada; the Millennium Challenge Corporation; Australia.
  • Trade News & Articles - The Trade News & Articles API provides in-depth news and articles written by Trade Specialists working in the Federal government. The authors include staff from ITA as well as other Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee (TPCC) agencies such as: Export-Import Bank; Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC); U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA); Small Business Administration (SBA).
  • Zip Code to USEAC - The Zip Code to USEAC API provides direct access to the U.S. Export Assistance Centers (USEACs) that have been assigned to all of the 40,000+ zip codes in the United States. It’s not enough to do a proximity search for a zip code and a USEAC. Each center has specialists on hand for each particular region.

National Institute of Standards and Technology

CDA Guideline Validation Tool - In addition to an on-line HTML formed-based submission page, the CDA Guideline Validation Tool is also available as a SOAP-based Web Service. By following the description of the web service contained in the WSDL, applications will be able to automatically query the service for validation of CDA-based documents.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System - The MADIS Application Program Interface (API) is a library of subroutines, callable from Fortran, which provides access to all of the observation and quality control (QC) information in the MADIS database (referred to as the "FSL database" in the API documentation), and/or other supported meteorological databases (i.e., the NWS AWIPS netCDF database)

Legacy National Climatic Data Center RESTful Services - Station time-series data

GIS Map Services - Station and network locations, metadata search, climatological GIS products.

Severe Weather Data Inventory - NEXRAD Storm Cell Attributes, Storm Reports.

General National Climatatic Data Center THREDDS Data Server - Satellite/Radar/Model Data.

National Climatic Data Center Climate Data Online Web Services - Climate Data Online is a collection of climatic data that offers public access and consumption via discovery and ordering services.

National Digital Forecast Database SOAP Web Service - National Digital Forecast Database (NDFD) Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a service providing the public, government agencies, and commercial enterprises with data from the National Weather Service’s (NWS) digital forecast database.

Center of Operational Oceanographic Products and Services - CO-OPS SOAP Web Services were developed using industry standards. Each SOAP web service is offered with a sample request, sample response and sample Java Client code to our users to facilitate their work with seamlessly connecting to the services and to retrieve the data of interest.

Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services - The Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS) Sensor Observation Service has implemented three operations  that provide access to sensor observations and measurement data via a spatio-temporal query that can be filtered by phenomena, provide the means to access SOS service metadata, retrieve detailed information about the sensors and processes generating those measurements.

Environmental Research Division's Data Access Program - The Environmental Research Division's Data Access Program is a data server that gives you a simple, consistent way to download subsets of scientific datasets in common file formats and make graphs and maps.

Space Physics Interactive Data Resource Web Services - Space Physics Interactive Data Resource (SPIDR) is designed to allow a solar terrestrial physics customer to intelligently access and manage historical space physics data for integration with environment models and space weather forecasts. SPIDR is a distributed network of synchronous databases and 100% Java middle-ware servers accessed via the World Wide Web.

National Telecommunications and Information Administration

National Broadband Map - Datasets are available for use. There is also a Developer page with tools, tricks, and a showcase.

Patent and Trademark Office

Trademark Status & Document Retrieval - TSDR (Trademark Status Document Retrieval) is a web application that provides real-time access to the electronic file wrapper of U.S. Trademark applications and applications for Extensions of Protection, as well as U.S. Trademark Registrations. It also displays information contained in the USPTO records regarding International Registrations and applications for International Registration filed under the Madrid system through the U.S.A.

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Last updated: 2015-12-22 11:48

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